Analog dial thermometers

Thermometers are based on their physical operation using some physical quantity that varies with temperature, which typically can be the thermal expansion of a liquid, gas, or solid substance.
This characteristic forms the basis of their temperature measurement principle.

One type of thermometers is the bimetallic ones, which use a bimetallic coil as a temperature sensor, placed inside the probe.
When the temperature changes, the two metals expand or contract differently, causing the spiral to deform and allowing the measurement of the temperature variation.

Another type is represented by liquid expansion thermometers, often used in hard-to-reach places or to cover large distances. In this case, the liquid expands or contracts with temperature changes, allowing the reading of the variation through a graduated scale.

Gas expansion thermometers are another option and have the advantage of using inert gases such as nitrogen or argon, making them less hazardous. Again, the gas expands or contracts in response to temperature variation, enabling temperature measurement.

These thermometers can be provided with alarm contacts, process connections, and bulb diameter and length can be customized according to customer requirements.

They are particularly suitable for harsh environments as they are rugged, accurate, and relatively low-cost.

In summary, thermometers offer various solutions for temperature measurement by utilizing different physical properties of materials, providing a wide range of options suitable for various contexts and requirements.